Ħ About RasterLinkPro5 RasterLinkPro5, which is application software, receives data in PostScript3 format and sup- plies printing data to an ink jet printer made by MIMAKI ENGINEERING. 38 Upgrading RasterLinkIII / RasterLinkP ro4 series to RasterLinkPro5. The contents of this document may be subject to change without notice.Ĥ T a ble of Contents The kinds of manuals and how to use them.It is strictly prohibited to write or copy a part or whole of this documen t without our approval.Apple, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, Mac OS and Mac OSX are registered tr ademarks of Apple Inc. Adobe, the Adobe logo, Photoshop, Illust rator and Post Script are trademarks of Ado be System Incorporat ed. Ģ The kinds of manuals and how to use them This product comes with following manuals. Software RIP V ersion 1.6 D202025- 16 MIMAKI ENGINEER ING CO., L TD.
RasterLinkPro5 Installa tion Guide This manual explains how to install RasterLinkPro5.